Leading a Group at Northwood Church involves being at the forefront of a transformative journey for its members. As a Group Leader, you play a crucial role in actualizing the church's mission to help people "Know God, Grow in Christ and Go in the power of the Holy Spirit until Jesus returns." Here’s what that looks like in practice:

  1. Know God: You will facilitate sessions that delve into the scriptures, creating a welcoming space for open dialogue and reflection. The aim is to deepen each group member's understanding and personal connection with God. Leading these discussions, you help participants explore biblical truths and apply them daily, fostering a closer relationship with God.

  2. Grow in Christ: As a leader, you’re responsible for crafting an environment conducive to spiritual growth. This includes encouraging questions, facilitating meaningful conversations, and providing support as members navigate their faith journeys. Your leadership helps create a community where individuals feel safe to share their experiences and challenges, thereby strengthening their faith and relationships within the group.

  3. Go in the Power of the Holy Spirit: You also play a pivotal role in inspiring members to live out their faith actively. This involves encouraging and equipping them to serve within the church and their broader communities, share the Gospel and make a tangible impact on the lives of others. Your leadership helps them to not only grow internally but also to step out in faith and action, embodying the values of the Holy Spirit in service and evangelism.

As a Group Leader at Northwood Church, you are more than a facilitator; you are a mentor, a guide, and a catalyst for spiritual growth and community impact.


ON JULY 28,2024

Sermon-Series Groups

In Sermon-Series Groups, we meet to discuss the previous Sunday’s message, pray together, and have a great time!

Freedom Groups (Fall 2024)

All Freedom Groups are currently going through the Foundations Series Curriculum!

In Freedom Groups, you’ll go through a powerful curriculum that will encourage and equip you to live a victorious life! The semester concludes with a fantastic 1-Day Conference. Groups are held at your NC location, and childcare is available.

The Next semester of Freedom will begin in Fall 2024

Study Groups

Study Groups go through a variety of topics and meet on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. Click below to see the directory of active Study Groups.

Hangout Groups

Check out the Hangout Groups directory to see what groups are currently running at this time!

Pain to Purpose Groups

Pain to Purpose is a grief support group that utilizes biblical concepts to help people find healing, encouragement, and hope while grieving the loss of a loved one or friend or traumatic experiences. This group can be joined and attended at any time group meetings are held.

Foundations Groups|
(SPRING 2025)

Join Northwood Church's "Foundations" group on Sundays for a transformative experience. Explore core faith topics like Justification, Sanctification, the power of Prayer, Worship, Communion, the role of the Church, and Discipleship. Deepen your faith and connect with like-minded individuals. Join us on Sundays to strengthen your spiritual foundation.